Mechatronics engineering at North Carolina State University - USA
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Box 7911
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7911
Many research labs and centers at NCSU/ECE have projects related to control, robotics, and mechatronics areas.

Undergraduate Level
There are currently two options for undergraduate level students:
Mechatronics Program
Students pursuing the Joint Bachelor of Science in Engineering (JEM) Degree with a mechatronics concentration remain on the UNC Asheville campus for the entirety of the degree program and follow a curriculum which focuses on the exciting area of Mechatronics. The curriculum combines the best of both worlds – the engineering expertise of NC State and the liberal arts environment and curriculum of UNC Asheville.
The 2+2 Program
Students participating in the 2+2 program begin at UNC Asheville and transfer to NC State University after one to two years to complete a B.S. engineering degree in one of 15 fields.
Graduate Level
Graduate level courses and degree options are available through NC State University Engineering Online. Through Engineering Online, you have the accessibility of distance education with the option of 16 master’s degree tracks.
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