Learning how to build a robot is a long way. It is the way by mechanics, electronics and programming. Such a mechatronics project is associated with problems such as stiffness (mechanics), overvoltage (electronics) or bug (software). Of course, if something is wrong, we always say 'it's not a bug, it's a feature', but finally a robot has to start working properly.
You can buy ready-made non-industrial robots. Great products if you want to just programming instead of additionally learning mechanics. If you want to learn robotics in general, you should check Chris Annin's website, which is related to DIY 6 axis robot. Chris is a robotic system engineer. He created a free and open plan desktop robots, which anyone can make themselves:The goal of the AR2 and AR3 was to create a low cost option so that anyone could build a 6 axis robot for fun, educational purposes or small production operations.

AR2 and AR3 are two similar versions of the mechatronics project. The AR2 robot is the initial release of a robot. It is open loop version. AR3 has updated covers, spaces and wiring harness. AR3 is a closed loop version (encoders). There are two ways to get structural components to build the project. First you can 3D print all parts by yourself or parts can also be made of aluminum by machining. The 3D print files you can download at his website. Second way is to buy aluminum kits available at his website.
To drive structural components you need bearings, belts, pulleys, sprockets, chain, shafts, pins and machine screws. These things you can buy in your local market or also buy kit at his website. Stepper motors, driver, other and electrical components you need to buy in local market or by the link to omc-stepperonline at his website:
I designed it to utilize all low-cost off-the-shelf motors and off-the-shelf hardware components.
Mechatronic system which is the AR2 or the AR3 robot is made of 5 groups of parts:
- Covers and Spacers
- Structural Components
- Hardware Components
- Stepper Motors and Drivers
- Electrical components
In my opinion, the most important thing is, that the software to control the robot is similar to an industrial robot (Chris is robotic engineer, so he knows how important is to learn robot programming in similar environment as in industry). You can jog and teach positions as well as control inputs and outputs position offsets as well as a number of other common functions.

This robot is currently being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges for training and educational programs it's also being used for a number of other applications including things like welding.
I'm mechatronics engineer. Yeah, my boss like it!